Boat Insurance in and around Gonzales
Always smooth sailing in Gonzales with State Farm's insurance
Cruise the open waters, safely

Your Boat Insurance Search Is Over
Let your restful boat days set sail with insurance for your vessel from State Farm! They provide outstanding coverage and personalized service you can't resist.
Always smooth sailing in Gonzales with State Farm's insurance
Cruise the open waters, safely

Don't Be A Land Lubber, Cover Your Vessel With State Farm
We're all in the same boat when it comes to needing trustworthy coverage. Looking at the variety of options available can get perplexing. That is why your State Farm agent Cliff Ourso can help you understand your options!
State Farm's boat insurance includes wreck removal and temporary repairs, to name a few, ensuring that perils such as sinking, storms and theft won't knock you off course. Your protection can be further secured through additional optional endorsements such as incidental commercial fishing, boat rented to others and fishing tournament fee reimbursement. Call agent Cliff Ourso today to see what coverages ideally suit your boat insurance needs.
Simple Insights®
Boat insurance basics: What's covered
Boat insurance basics: What's covered
Buying insurance for boats and yachts and learning the basics of liability may help you handle the unpredictable.
Water ski and jet ski safety tips
Water ski and jet ski safety tips
Discover ways to water ski or jet ski safely and help avoid injury when skiing for the first time or as a refresher.

Cliff Ourso
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Boat insurance basics: What's covered
Boat insurance basics: What's covered
Buying insurance for boats and yachts and learning the basics of liability may help you handle the unpredictable.
Water ski and jet ski safety tips
Water ski and jet ski safety tips
Discover ways to water ski or jet ski safely and help avoid injury when skiing for the first time or as a refresher.